What you don’t see is just as important as whats on show. Take a hand dryer for instance. Most cleaning companies think its enough to simply wipe clean the top, front and sides. Here at ProCleanse we go further, we clean the places other cleaners cannot reach!
Why clean hidden areas
Its quite simple, what you don’t see can harm you. A hand dryer blows warm air out onto your wet hands. If the vent has a buildup of grime and mould the mould spores are blasted at high speed onto your hands and around the room. These are then inhaled and can cause infection. Infections like a mild common cold or even worse chest infections that are caused by breathing in tiny pieces of moulds. Breathing in a type of mould called Aspergillus can cause an often serious infection.
Before and after hand dryer cleaning

More about our cleaning services
Never wanting to miss an opportunity to promote our cleaning services why don’t you head over to our latest office cleaning page for Liverpool where you can see what we have to offer. In summary this includes anything from dusting shelves, cleaning hand dryers and everything in between. Or just give us a call on 0151 659 1001, or head over to out contact page to send a message.
Further reading
Ceiling Extractor Fan Cleaning >
Cleaning at Height >
Infection Control in the Workplace >