Deep cleaning services in high demand right now
We are at the forefront in providing deep cleaning and sanitising services. Our clients include the NHS, local schools and local, national and internation businesses. All located across Wirral, Chester and Liverpool, these businesses and organisations continue to benefit from our professional cleaning services.
We use approved and certified chemicals to kill Coronavirus in under 5 minutes. We use the hi-tech equipment to sanitise all touch point and surfaces in the workplace. Sanitising an area is only effective after the area has been thoroughly cleaned prior too electrostatic spraying.
Many new so-called cleaning companies popped up all across the UK and Wirral during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. Almost all had less than 12 months of trading history. All claimed to be sanitising or fogging service experts secretly looking to capitalise on the latest situation.
Shoddy workmanship
Where we differ is how and when we clean and deep clean. New ‘cleaning companies’ with no professional cleaning experience use techniques which have little of no effect on germs. They simply spray a sanitising liquid on to a dirty surfaces and proclaim the area is sanitised.
If surfaces are not cleaned prior too this, then the liquid will not be able to penetrate the dirt. Dead skin cells and any other contaminates will remain. The lesson to learn is don’t hire cowboys to do your cleaning.
Checkout our Coronavirus Sanitising Services here.